
Writer’s lawsuit against Huffington Post and AOL

Jonath­an Tas­ani, a so­cial act­iv­ist and com­ment­at­or, is su­ing AOL and its new­est pur­chase, the Huff­ing­ton Post, over claims that he and oth­er writers wer­en’t paid ap­pro­pri­ately for their work.

Tas­ani’s suit, which is seek­ing class-ac­tion status and was filed on Tues­day in a New York U.S. Dis­trict Court, ar­gues that none of the $315 mil­lion AOL paid to buy the Huff­ing­ton Post has gone to the writers and pro­du­cers of the news and opin­ion web­site, while es­tim­at­ing that about $105 mil­lion should have. Read more »

Published: April 12, 2011
Sources: U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. of New York
Credits: Nathan Olivarez-Giles, Ben Welsh

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