Zimmerman final jury instructions

The six wo­men who will de­cide wheth­er George Zi­m­mer­man murdered Trayvon Mar­tin, an un­armed teen­ager, or ac­ted in self-de­fense began de­lib­er­a­tions Fri­day af­ter­noon after re­ceiv­ing their in­struc­tions from the judge.

Judge Debra S. Nel­son read the charge to the jury after the de­fense and pro­sec­u­tion com­pleted their form­al ar­gu­ments.

Zi­m­mer­man, 29, is charged with second-de­gree murder in the shoot­ing of Mar­tin, 17, on the night of Feb. 26, 2012 in San­ford, Fla. Zi­m­mer­man main­tains he shot Mar­tin in self-de­fense after Mar­tin sud­denly at­tacked him.

Published: July 12, 2013
Sources: Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Seminole County, Fla.

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