Coliseum purchase orders to HH Tech

A private com­pany foun­ded by Leo Cau­dillo, tech­no­logy man­ager at the Los Angeles Me­mori­al Coli­seum, has re­ceived about $30,000 in pay­ments from the pub­licly owned sports and en­ter­tain­ment com­plex. At­tached are cop­ies of some pur­chase or­ders he sub­mit­ted re­quest­ing pay­ments to the com­pany, HH Tech. The or­ders are au­thor­ized by Ron­ald Leder­kramer, the Coli­seum’s chief fin­ance of­fi­cial. Also at­tached is a copy of a state­ment Cau­dillo filed with the gov­ern­ment re­gis­ter­ing the busi­ness as a lim­ited li­ab­il­ity com­pany.

Published: Sept. 2, 2011

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