Billy Graham

Evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham was the most dom­in­ant Amer­ic­an pas­tor dur­ing the second half of the 20th cen­tury, coun­sel­ing nearly every Amer­ic­an pres­id­ent since Harry Tru­man.

On Sept. 10, 1984, The Times re­por­ted that Ra­dio Mo­scow used com­ments made by evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham at the start of his cur­rent So­viet tour to re­in­force its claim that So­viet cit­izens en­joy free­dom of re­li­gion.
On May 8, 1982, The Times re­por­ted that evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham ar­rived in the So­viet Uni­on on a con­tro­ver­sial vis­it to at­tend an in­ter­na­tion­al peace con­fer­ence and preach the Gos­pel.
On Jan. 27, 1969, The Times re­por­ted that on Pres­id­ent Nix­on’s first Sunday in of­fice, evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham presided over the ser­vice in the White House.
On Aug. 16, 1963, The Times re­por­ted that evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham opened his 25-day Los Angeles cru­sade be­fore “the largest open­ing night audi­ence we ever have had in the United States.”
On May 12, 1957, The Times re­por­ted that Billy Gra­ham faces his biggest preach­ing chal­lenge next week at Madis­on Square Garden.
On June 9, 1954, The Times re­por­ted that some 120,000 people were present at the last of Gra­ham’s Great­er Lon­don Cru­sade meet­ings.
On Sept. 15, 1951, The Times re­por­ted that Billy Gra­ham brought the old-time re­li­gion back to South­ern Cali­for­nia with a rous­ing Hol­ly­wood Bowl re­viv­al to start a 16-day “Cru­sade for Christ.”
On Ju­ly 15, 1950, The Times re­por­ted that Pres­id­ent Tru­man and evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham stood in the Pres­id­ent’s of­fice and prayed for di­vine guid­ance for the na­tion and its chief ex­ec­ut­ive.
On Nov. 21, 1949, The Times re­por­ted that last night, fol­low­ers of the eight-week re­viv­al, fol­ded 6,500 chairs and star­ted re­mov­al of the “can­vas cathed­ral.”
On Sept. 26, 1949, The Times re­por­ted that evan­gel­ist Billy Gra­ham opened a re­viv­al cru­sade be­fore an es­tim­ated 5,000 per­sons in a tent at Wash­ing­ton Boulevard and Hill Street.