Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed state budget

Gov. Jerry Brown has pro­posed deep cuts to nearly all state pro­grams while bet­ting that Cali­for­ni­ans would agree to ex­tend a trio of re­cent tax hikes in a spir­it of shared sac­ri­fice. Un­der what the gov­ernor char­ac­ter­ized as an “hon­est” budget, tax­pay­ers would be asked to dig deep­er in­to their pock­ets — after the state’s wel­fare pro­gram is cut in half, $1 bil­lion is trimmed from its uni­versit­ies, and tens of thou­sands of eld­erly and dis­abled res­id­ents lose ac­cess to care at home.

Only ele­ment­ary and sec­ond­ary schools would be spared the knife, hav­ing already been wounded deeply, Brown reasoned. But he warned that un­less the tax in­creases con­tin­ue for five years, teach­ers and stu­dents might lose that pro­tec­tion.

“We’ve had 10 years of gim­micks and tricks,” he said. “All of that puts us in a mess. It’s not hon­est, and we are now go­ing to make it trans­par­ent as pos­sible. It is bet­ter to take our medi­cine now and get the state on a bal­anced foot­ing.”

More: Fol­low the latest budget news on Polit­iC­al

In­ter­act­ive: Try your hand at elim­in­at­ing the state’s $28 bil­lion de­fi­cit

Published: Jan. 10, 2011

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