Gov. Jerry Brown’s revised state budget

State rev­en­ue has rock­eted far bey­ond pro­jec­tions, provid­ing a $6.6 bil­lion wind­fall that Gov. Jerry Brown wants to use to boost edu­ca­tion spend­ing and help re­pair Cali­for­nia’s battered fin­ances.

In the re­vised budget plan Brown re­leases Monday morn­ing, edu­ca­tion spend­ing would in­crease by about $3 bil­lion over what he pro­posed in Janu­ary. But Brown still hopes to main­tain tax in­creases that are due to ex­pire this year.

The gov­ernor’s budget says the rev­en­ue surge, which erases a sub­stan­tial chunk of what had been a $15-bil­lion de­fi­cit, is not enough to put the state in the black. Read more »

Published: May 16, 2011

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