U.S. Marshal: Dorner may have fled to Mexico

Re­cords provide new de­tails on the al­leged ac­tions of Chris­toph­er Jordan Dorner, 33, who is sus­pec­ted of killing three people, in­clud­ing a po­lice of­ficer, and has eluded au­thor­it­ies since the night of Feb. 6 when he was pub­licly named as the sus­pect in the slay­ing of an Irvine couple.

Dorner may have been helped by an as­so­ci­ate iden­ti­fied only as “JY” in the char­ging doc­u­ment that was filed in U.S. Dis­trict Court in Los Angeles after the former po­lice of­ficer was sus­pec­ted of flee­ing from au­thor­it­ies.

Published: Feb. 11, 2013
Credits: Samantha Schaefer

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